Oxford League Cross Country – Final Fixture and Trial Mixed XC Relay

The last fixture of the season will take place on Sunday 6th March at Henley Showground. Full details can be found on the League website – www.oxonxc.org.uk/.

If you wish to run and are not yet registered please let me know by midnight on Friday 25th February.

In addition to the normal programme the League are introducing a trial event – a Mixed Cross Country Relay. The race starts after the last woman has finished in the final race of the normal programme. The relay will commence at approximately 1.20pm and is for teams of 4 (2 men and 2 women) selected from U20, Senior and Veteran age groups. Teams can also name two reserves. Final team declaration is to be made 30 minutes before the start of the relay. Each leg of the relay will be approximately 1600 metres long and teams can run in any order. In keeping with the normal entry deadlines I will need names by midnight on Friday 25th February. If you are interested please let me know by the deadline. There is nothing to stop athletes who have run in the main races from participating in the relay (although this may be a big ask). It may be that we have 4 athletes who don't feel up to the 8K+ courses but feel able to do the relay distance.

Do please consider the relay as we would like to support the concept.

Steve Connolly