Oxford League Cross Country 2021–22
The new Oxford League Cross Country season starts on Sunday 7th November at Bicester Heritage, Bicester. Teams across all age groups will be representing the club but only those athletes who have been registered by the club will be able to compete. Full details of this fixture and all the other fixtures are available on the league website – www.oxonxc.org.uk.
Included in the information will be detailed guidance to locate the venue and closer to the fixture date course maps will be available.
If you are competing please arrive in good time so that you can collect your number from our club tent. Please look after this number as it is your number for the entire season. The League have pointed out that only two full sets of numbers will be made available during the season, at fixtures 1 and 3. If an athlete forgets or loses their number there will be a £5 replacement fee imposed. Club vests must be worn and if you need to purchase one please do this in advance as no vests will be available on the day. Vests can be purchased at club sessions at the track on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
We are still looking for volunteers to marshal at Fixture 2 (Cirencester), Fixture 3 (Oxford) and Fixture 4 (Adderbury) so please do let us know if you are able to help. Although we need one volunteer for each venue the role could be shared between a couple of people. We do have an obligation to cover the role.
If you have any queries please contact Steve Connolly – steve.connolly@ukgateway.net.
Enjoy your season.