Decision to keep Track Closure in place
England Athletics issued a guidance document on 15th May 2020 – Return to Restricted Training Activity – Athletic Venues.
Having given this document due consideration the decision was taken that the track would remain closed until further notice. We will obviously review this situation when further guidance becomes available.
It is important to note at the outset that the EA document states;
"Opening outdoor track and field facilities is at the discretion and consent of the facility owner, provider or contractor."
There were a number of reasons that underpinned our decision and these include:
- The requirement to deep clean all 'open' areas of the facility and equipment.
- The need to clean 'pre' and 'post' activity any equipment that might be used. This would also mean anything that might be touched by athletes, coaches or indeed parents. This would include gates, doors, handles, handrails and all touch point surfaces
- At this point in time there could be no use of High Jump and Pole Vault beds and sand pits.
- First Aid provision would present particular headaches and in the case of a serious incident there are stringent guidelines for the use of CPR.
- The use of toilet facilities would pose particular issues e.g. touching of surfaces, regular cleansing, etc.
- At this point in time all athletics and running coaching activity can take place on a one-to-one basis only (i.e. one coach and one athlete OR two athletes with no coach present).
- Social distancing guidance would obviously have to be adhered to at all times. This would create issues both on the track but also as people arrive and depart.
- The situation involving spectators is particularly difficult as while we are informed that spectating should be actively discouraged, if a younger athlete is being coached in a one-to-one situation, this should only be undertaken in sight of a parent or guardian. Once again social distancing guidance would have to be adhered to at all times.
- All our risk assessments would have to be updated to include Covid 19 restrictions.
- We will also have to clarify with our insurers to ensure we are compliant with their requirements.
Bearing in mind these and many other factors it was decided that, as a track facility reliant on volunteers to function, we could not run in a way that was safe for athletes, coaches, parents and volunteers.
As stated earlier our decision would be re-considered in the light of updated guidance from England Athletics/UKA.
The full document can be found on the England Athletics website –