Oxford League Cross Country 2019/20
The new cross country season is approaching fast. The registration system for the new season is very similar to that of last year. I have been sent a list of all those athletes who competed in at least one race in 2018/19. These people will automatically be on the list for the coming season. I need to add the names of any other athletes who wish to compete in Fixture 1 by Friday 18th October. Once someone is registered they are registered for the whole season. Please note that this date is two weeks before the first race of the season. This is to enable the League officials plenty of time to check entries. After the first race any new athletes will need to register by the Sunday prior to the fixture (i.e. one week before).
All runners of 11 and above on 31/8/19 must be registered as EA affiliated athletes. Those athletes who are 7, 8, 9 or 10 on 31st August do not have to meet this requirement and will be able to register on the day. The only exception to this applies to those young people who reach their 11th birthday during the season. In this situation we will ensure they are registered in good time. Please note that the minimum age for racing is 8. If a young person reaches the age of 8 during the season they are eligible to compete in the fixture once they reach their eighth birthday.
If you are unsure whether you are on the list please contact me by email for confirmation. On race day you will be able to collect your number from the club tent as usual. Please be warned however, if you are not registered you will not be able to run. To save disappointment I would urge you to contact me as soon as possible. In addition I have to register any 2nd Claim athletes by 18th October. Once the season starts I will not be able to register any further 2nd Claim athletes.
You will no doubt be aware that the League have used Barry Cornelius over a number of years to do photographs. He has photographed the races for athletes 18 and over. This year Barry will also photograph the Under 17 races and the League have asked us to ensure that we have the consent of parents/guardians of athletes aged 13 – 17 to be photographed. If you don't wish your child (ren) to be photographed please let me know prior to 18/10 and I will let the League know. You will also be required to place a red cross on their race number so that Barry can easily identify them. The same procedure will apply for adults (i.e. runners aged 18+) who are competing. You will need to contact me before the 18/10 to let me know that you do not want to be photographed.
The full list of fixtures can be found on the league website – www.oxonxc.org.uk. The first fixture is scheduled for Sunday November 3rd but as yet no venue has been found. Information concerning the fixture will be posted on the League website and we will do likewise on the club website. We will be hosting the 4th fixture of the season on The Lawns (2nd February). We will require help on the day (marshals, etc) so please contact me if you can help. Finally the League has indicated that "Any runners wearing ear-plugs/headphones will be disqualified".
Steve Connolly
Swindon Harriers
Email: steve.connolly@ukgateway.net